Employee Onboarding

An employee onboarding workflow is a set of pre-defined steps that introduce the new employees to complete an initial new-hire orientation process, as well as learn about the organization and its structure, culture, vision, mission and values.

How to implement Employee On-boarding?

All new employees are onboarded—but the quality of the onboarding makes a difference. Too often, onboarding consists of handling a new employee a pile of forms and having a supervisor or HR professional walk the employee around the premises, making introductions on an ad hoc basis.

When on-boarding is done well, however, it lays a foundation for long-term success for the employee and the employer. It can improve productivity, build loyalty and engagement, and help employees become successful early in their careers with the new organization.

Benefits of properly set employee onboarding process:

  • Acclimatise the employee in the briefest period possible
  • Decrease the time it takes for your new employee to become productive
  • Properly engage the employee
  • Good onboarding programs directly improve employee retention
  • A good onboarding process will promote a better company culture

Does it sound like the ideal method to train your employees?

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